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Empowering Youth Through Service Learning Adventures
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"Reciprocal travel is to give back as much as you receive, anywhere you go"

Social Voyagers was founded in the belief that service is an irreplaceable learning and growth experience for all youth. We believe these experiences should be accessible and inclusive, regardless of a student's ability to pay.

Social Voyagers is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Menlo Park, California. Social Voyagers empowers students with the tools and skills to better understand the changing world through experience. By supporting a service-learning curriculum, social-equity projects, and physical travel to various communities (domestic and international), Social Voyagers connects students with experiences that prepare them to lead in the future.


Empowering students to build a love and knowledge of service and connect with like-minded peers to build future sustainable programs in their own communities and in the world.

Student Growth

To grow as a global citizen, students benefit from leaving their communities, experiencing the world with a group of their peers. This occurs when they challenge themselves and become open to the world, to new ideas, and to questioning their assumptions.

A foundation of our program is to learn the power of an individual's role in the group process. If group members are focused on their actions to benefit the group as a whole, the connections made to future possibilities and learning are immeasurable. We teach skills to ensure that students understand the power of their role in the group process.

This valuable realization of one's ability to influence a group in a positive direction will translate to future growth in adulthood. Learning through doing and guided reflection is deeper and more meaningful than classroom learning. After all, "We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience" (Dewey).

"The aim of education must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who see in the service to the community their highest life achievement" (Albert Einstein).

Many students who have participated in our programs have been inspired to create and join new service-based initiatives that benefit their own schools and local communities.

What We Do

Year Long Leadership Training

Leadership Seminars

Group Process Training

Student Executive Board

Local Service Projects

City Garden Projects

Support Students with Disabilities

Student Language Exchanges

Multi-Generational Partnerships

Food Banks

International Service

and Education

Travel and serve in local communities in Peru and Costa Rica

Student Testimonials

Contact Social Voyagers

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