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Board of Directors


Andy Sieferman


Andy Sieferman is the Board President and lead chaperone for Social Voyagers. He is an expert sheet metal craftsman, an avid boater, and a commercial angler. He has traveled around the world and the United States leading fishing and ocean tours for clients and friends. He is an expert at ocean and boat safety and has worked as a lead chaperone for service-learning groups to Costa Rica.  If not in the ocean, Andy can be found spending time with his wife and two children in Pacifica, California.

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Yasary Villalobos

Vice President

Yasary Villalobos is a Menlo-Atherton alumni and currently leads in her community as an after-school High School Program Director in East Palo Alto. Yasary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Studies with a minor in Latina/o Studies and is passionate about allowing education to serve as a tool to empower students and promote collective wellness. With over 16 years of experience in working with students and underserved communities, Yasary is excited to be a part of Social Voyer's mission of student growth, community connection and being of service to the greater good.

Mike Tilson

Mike Tillson has been a non-profit leader and teaching artist for over 20 years.  He holds a master's degree in Art Education from The Art of Education University and is the founder of The Peninsula Pottery.  Having worked with high school students since 1999 and the nonprofit sector since 2017, Mike specializes in design thinking strategies and is working with capacity building, grant-making organizations, and advising on communications strategy.  He is a loving husband and father to two young women.


Cindie Slightam

Cindie Slightam, MPH is an alumni of M-A high school, and has worked in community engagement and the public health sector for more than 15 years. She has participated in overseas and local service projects with a focus on health, education, and wellness programs. She is eager to bring her background to Social Voyagers, and to inspire others to be active and engaged community partners. When she is not working or traveling, she can be found hiking in the Bay Area or volunteering at a community event nearby.

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