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Procedures to Safely Travel

Costa Rica is the ideal destination and our itinerary has been carefully selected and modified to minimize risk of exposure. This allows for a more focused learning environment, as well as a safe haven from the stress of our modern world. We will closely watch any CDC recommendations about group sizes, travel restrictions, and testing requirements to come up with options that will allow you to have a safe, healthy, and stress-free experience.

Check out the information below to find out more about our Covid-19 policies, procedures and updates.

General COVID Policies and Procedures


 At Social Voyagers, we strive to assure you that our concerns for safety align with yours. When we are able to travel, safety is our primary focus. We pride ourselves on a minimum of six to one ratio of adult to student supervision.

Experiential Educator Led & Supervised

Our program to Costa Rica is led by experienced credentialed educators, equipped with comprehensive and expert risk assessments and safety management systems.


Partnerships at the Community level

Finally, we have been working at the grass root level with communities in Costa Rica. Our partners in Samara are small family owned and operated businesses. We build strong relationships, seek to be invited to collaborate, follow our partners’ advice and align ourselves to the local communities’ expectations for mutual benefit and success.



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