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Managing Service and Travel Expectations


Managing Service and Travel Expectations

It is important to remind ourselves that many international volunteers have specific expectations-- invariably different from our own and often high. These expectations come with good intentions; many want to make a difference, and we eventually learn that big changes come from small efforts. 
What is your motivation for going on a service trip?  Our belief is that if your motivation is to feel good by doing good in the world and learning while you go,  that is a great reason to serve!  Serving a community abroad and working together can make a person feel good; it’s an addictive feeling that we’re happy you’re hooked on! We disagree that all development work should be hard or that volunteering is only of value when it’s tough and not fun.  If your motivations are to give to the world in a way that makes you feel proud, and valued, and to make a personal contribution, then this program is most likely right for you. 


Learning Service

For international service our focus as a company is to work together with our partners in other countries. Learning for travelers is embraced as a primary purpose of the trips, rather than a by-product. Learning comes first and continues throughout the experience: before, during, and after volunteering overseas.  Our service abroad consists of humble and thoughtful action, designed to strive for a “do no harm” approach.  This service includes the work we do as volunteers overseas, our unofficial daily interactions with people while abroad, and the long-term actions inspired by their experience.

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