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Service and Wellness

Service and Wellness

Studies have shown that service can improve overall well-being. Working as a group to perform service establishes connections with others, which can benefit teens' overall well-being and alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression. Research supports this conclusion. A study of service-learning from Science Direct highlighted three conclusions: the service project was beneficial for student well-being, it had a positive impact on student cooperation, and it led to an improvement in solidarity and achievement variables.

We also believe that practicing gratitude through service offers positive benefits to teens.  We may think of volunteering and serving or giving to others as a way of helping those who are less fortunate, but service arguably does as much for the donor as it does for the recipient. Service can help people transform negative emotions like anger, stress, envy, and disappointment into feelings of gratitude by putting life into a broader perspective. Working alongside the people of Costa Rica and learning from their perspective can change a person's outlook in a positive direction.

Blue Zone

nicoya peninsula blue zones world map

We chose Sámara, Costa Rica for a variety of reasons. We love the community feel, healthy living, proximity to activities like surfing, zip-lining and eco tours-- but also because the village has much to teach us about our own lives. When students return to their own communities - they have learned how to  live a happier life, with more gratitude and less anxiety and stress. Sámara, Costa Rica on the Nicoya Peninsula in the Guanacaste Region of this country happens to be a Blue Zone. This is one of seven tiny specks in the world where people live the longest and happiest in the world.   

Dan Buettner, the author of Blue Zone, listed nine factors, including: moderate, regular physical activity (this takes place naturally), life purpose, stress reduction, moderate calories intake, a plant-based diet, moderate alcohol intake, especially wine, engagement in spirituality or religion, engagement in family life, and engagement in social life as the lifestyle habits.


blue zones daily diet nicoya

We have much to learn about the zest for life, health, and friendliness that is obvious in Sámara. Many students who return from a trip have started clubs that involve connection and a common activity. Bringing this positive spirit back home can help with the stresses of everyday life and put our anxiety and depression in proper perspective. In the ultra-focused and competitive world of Silicon Valley it is often wellness and happiness that take a back-seat to stress, anxiety and sadness.  We know that service to others can be an antidote for these ailments and build a sense of connection. 

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